
Tuesday 22 May 2012


I've been very bad at blogging lately. (Again.)  First I lost the cable for the camera, and then Mum had an appointment and I got back in the holding pattern of just waiting.  Well, cable is found, and the appointment was just a check-up.  Everything is fine.

And I've been busy!  I have a show and tell thing for a women's group in a couple of weeks, so have been making things for it .  
 ...needs a binding...
 ...yet to be quilted...
This last one is a sample for Karen in Fiddlesticks fabrics.  I really like the pattern I came up with for this, but I'm not sure that these fabrics show it as well as I'd hoped for - you see the on point squares?  Well, there should be chevrons to either side (pink to the sides, blue top and bottom).  I might remake this just to showcase that, but I'm still happy with this - very scrappy feeling and so easy.  I wish I had a close-up of the quilting as I spent a lot of time on it, but I only finished the binding on it on the way to the shop on Saturday (I was heading there to teach FMQ) so this had to be taken in the shop!  It'll come!

I have some baby quilts to make.  I'm not really in the mood as I have other things in my head, but they're ordered.  I'll post some photos of things I got back from Fiddlesticks to bring for my show and tell.

Incidentally, I used a Curvemaster foot to piece together my apple core!  Really useful - I didn't use a single pin!  Quite freeing in a certain way, I must say!

I also have a couple of projects - long term projects that I won't get started for a while - in mind.  I'm loving Quiltmania's Mystery Quilt, and Vignette in Stitches!  I have the fabric for the latter, but not enough for the former.  Well, not sufficient colours as I have plenty of wovens.  Excuses for shopping, aren't they great?!