
Wednesday 10 June 2015

Uncooperative models

I've been trying to get my cat to model on a quilt to make up a banner.  Unfortunately, much as Perdie loves quilts, she hates cameras.  I tried today, I really did.  Set her on a quilt, she jumps off.  I decide to put the quilt on the front lawn to photograph it (I'll be showing that soon), come back upstairs to hang out a window, and there she is on another quilt!  Who cares that the lighting isn't right, I have the camera aimed and ready!
"Not looking at you"

"Nope, still not looking at you"

Grumpy face: "Fine, I'll look at that thing for you, but I'm not going to be cute".

The quilt is one I made a few years ago.  It was made as a sample for Fiddlesticks Fabrics.  I wanted to negate the very floral effect of the fabric by using a very square and plain design.  I then tried to soften the effect by using spirals to quilt it.  It was the first time I've used spirals and I really enjoyed both the quilting and how it turned out.

I've tried sizing up my photos - please let me know what you think!


  1. This is too funny, but so true of cats! I have only ever had one small quilt that my cat would not touch and to this day he will not lay on it. I'm guessing he's not a fan of dark blue civil war reprints. Maybe if you secretly stage your perfect photo opt even saying aloud, "I hope Perdie doesn't lay on this quilt," you can fool her. Cats seem to be gullible :)

  2. That is fabulous! And I love her look at the end! #quiltcats

  3. Photos look wonderful and your uncooperative cat model cracks me up. I like you thinking to use the sharp rectangular shape to break up the floral mood of the fabric, I think it works nicely!

  4. Photo sizes look great. Clearly she likes pink, and clearly she does NOT like the black thing pointed at her (sounds familiar-my one dog and my cat feel the same). Just love her grumpy, let's get this over with expression! That quilt is a beauty, wow.
