
Thursday 25 June 2015

The finishes are going to come thick and fast...

and here's the next one:
I thought this wasn't going to happen.  As I said in my last post, I had this in the car to finish sewing the binding and it picked up a couple of dirty marks.  I was dubious about the colour running, but thankfully it didn't!  It's a little crinkly though, despite all my best efforts.  Boo.

Here's a photo of it in the window to try and make it look a bit more stained glass, but it's a dull day here today.  It was one of my oldest UFOs, so I'll be glad when I have it hanging.

Once that went ok, I got into a bit of a whirlwind and got loads done.  Everything that follows has been done from Saturday til yesterday - I was in such a blur I didn't stop to take photos.  I spent today in the car going to and from the airport.

This is quilted and 3/4 bound (most of binding sewn in car today):

"Are you honestly still trying to get photos of me?"

 "Fine, here I am, looking cute."

Incidentally, see all the tufts of thread in the second photo of this?  My machine was fine to begin with, but then went a bit bonkers, and the thread kept catching around the lowered feed dogs.  I couldn't tell for ages that that's what it was catching on, and once I did I decided to put the feed dogs back up and that solved everything, thank goodness.
 I pieced this along with the next two FGV blocks (I'll post those on Friday) and quilted it; just some straight line quilting and binding to go.
 I also pieced this - I intend quilting this in the next quarter finish along.  Just needs its borders now.  I also had this in pink, discovered a mistake and have it all ripped and ready to re-assemble.
 "OMG, I love quilt tops!"
 "Haha, I move too fast for your camera!"
 "Well,that display of enthusiasm was embarrassing, going to hide now"

Anyway, the colours weren't great when I took them inside, here it is outside.  I love the specific green and blue that are in this, just lovely.

I also got more quilted on my monkeys quilt, and it is about 95% finished.  I have high hopes of having almost all on my list finished by the end of the month!  Unfortunately, I'll lose tomorrow as we're making silage... oh, what fun!


  1. Think blue and green combo is my all-time fave. Perdie is really a beauty! She should show this side more often; what a princess...then again, she is so much like my Bella, scurrying under quilts, lolling about, backbending, etc on a flimsy, or a quilt or fabric...I think they all get a memo to do that. The stained glass reminds me of Frank Lloyd Wright. You have been a busy bee!

  2. Wow, your finishes are really rolling in, aren't they?! I'm looking forward to seeing your blue and green top quilted and finished next quarter, hint hint!

    *Visiting as a member of the official 2015 Finish-Along cheerleading squad*
